Robin Taylor

Head of Digital

Robin has experience in both B2B and B2C environments, and oversees all digital projects that pass through TMC from conception to delivery.

TMC Strategic Communications

Robin has been working with computers since the days of the Spectrum, and has specialised in web development for over 20 years. Leading our growing Digital team forward, Robin offers rational, strategic input into every aspect of our digital services. Reimagining fragmented user journeys, pushing boundaries with new technologies and delivering seamless experiences, Robin has been the core component of our most successful client projects.

The ability to ‘unpick’ complex challenges has seen Robin produce a wealth of digital, multi-platform development that exceeds expectations every time. He enjoys working on the types of projects that push the digital team to to develop skills and leverage new technologies.


  • Digital strategy
  • Full Stack
  • Experience with Drupal, WordPress and many other CMS


Walks with my lad and our dog, reading in the sun, cooking

One day I will

Develop a semi-autonomous robot to follow my Son around and clean up after him

You’ll never guess…

I have a slight obsession with Typewriters

What are you interested in?