TMC Strategic Communications

TMC’s Future Vision programme provides support to young people across local communities with an interest for all things creative – and the next steps for making this a career. With work experience at the forefront of this initiative, each year students within the the local Congleton area are given the opportunity to enter a competition to win a placement at TMC HQ.

The week aims to provide insight on the entire workflow of an agency, moving across Studio, 3D, Marketing, Client Services, Digital, and Finance – ensuring students have an understanding of the possible career paths available to them.

Discover more about the 2024 programme below.

Work Experience 2024

Launching their pathways into the creative industries, five enthusiastic students (aged 15-20) joined TMC’s Future Vision programme during June 2024. With a passion for communicating, they immersed themselves in agency life, collaborating with a range of departments. Their main brief for the week all centered on;

Building an innovative marketing strategy for a client of their choosing.

Work experience students working
Work experience students presenting
Work experience students working
Work experience students being briefed in
Work experience student presenting

The Work Experience Itinerary

The entire week focused itself around students developing a marketing strategy for a pre-established, recognisable brand, chosen by themselves at the beginning of the week. This would be influenced by the knowledge and tasks set by different departments, building it to completion within one final presentation.

Skills Developed:

  • Communications Strategy
  • Understanding ESG
  • Social Impact Initiatives
  • Campaign Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Film & Video
  • Content Writing & Optimisation
  • Web Development & Support
  • Quality Control


*Students were given the opportunity to pick a well-known brand as their fictional ‘client, which have no affiliation with TMC.

Work experience schedule held by person infront of laptop

Once chosen, students created sub-brands for their clients with qualities which focused solely on sustainability, where this would be used later within tasks, alongside the main branding. During this initial day, there was opportunity for the students to work alongside the video team to learn filming techniques and editing, whilst starring within the video to discuss their expectations and goals for the week ahead (take a look above!).

From here, each day followed the pattern of gaining insight into team structures and job roles with each department, before being briefed in on several department-related tasks. Marketing focused students on outlining tonal values and their clients current strategies, all helping to write a social media calendar and summer promotion video. Studio then saw this brought to life with visuals, alongside a visual branding research document.

Having a strong understanding of who their client was at this point, a 3D model could be manipulated and re-designed within the aesthetic of their brand to fit as part of a advertisement. Design skills then translated into building a landing page for their sub-brand with user experience in mind – as well as diving into the code and structure of a website. The department round-robin then concluded with gaining quality control (QC) and competitor research skills from Client Services.

The week wrapped up with a focus on future careers. Students participated in mock interviews, CV workshops, and LinkedIn profile creation sessions. Finally, they presented their client project to members of TMC’s Senior Management Team, gaining invaluable feedback and showcasing their newfound skills.


Meet The Students

Work experience student smiling


“I was with studio for the first half of the day with Luke and Elisha. During this time, I learnt how to try and improve the ideas and promotions of the business. For the second half of the day, I used blender for 3D with Laura.”

Work experience student laughing


“My biggest takeaway was that the concept behind an idea is the most important thing. You can redo the creative output as many times as you want, but actually getting the concept to be confident and secure is what is the most important thing.”

Work experience student sat talking


“My favourite department was the 3D design because I enjoyed using the Blender software to make my own scene. My biggest takeaway from my time here at TMC was all the different marketing strategies that I learned about.”

Work experience student sat on chair talking


“This work experience has been extremely informative, and I am grateful for the chance to have been a part of it. The knowledge I gained will definitely support me as I continue to explore different pathways in the future.

Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity, I am truly appreciative of your time and the experience you have provided.”

Explore Their Work

Logo made for Work Experience
Mock website made for ESG Sub brand
A 3D model made for work experience
A mood board made for work experience
A 3d scene made for a work experience project
Detail on Netflix's audience and their demographics
TMC Strategic Communications
Mood board made for work experience

Final Overview

TMC aim to provide a rounded view of life within a marketing agency, offering the skills and knowledge to empower the next steps of new careers within the industry.

If you are interested in taking part in upcoming Future Vision work experience weeks, take part in our competition by contacting us via


Want to find out more about #FutureVision work experience at TMC? Read April’s experience here.

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