creator led marketing
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Creator-led marketing is a powerful tool that brands can use to reach, engage, and build relationships with their target audiences. As the influence of social media continues to accelerate, creator-led marketing has become more and more significant.

What is Creator Led Marketing?

Creator led marketing is a method where content creators or ‘influencers’ are leveraged to drive awareness and engagement for specific campaigns or initiatives on behalf of a business. As more consumers turn to social media as their primary source for consuming not only entertainment but information, this marketing tool is being embraced by brands looking to capitalise on the earned audiences of the content creators themselves.


Why Does Creator Led Marketing Offer Value For Brands?

To put it simply, people trust people.

In a digital landscape layered with inauthentic content and AI-influenced campaigns, users crave personal experiences. They actively seek content that is relatable and speaking directly to them – almost as though they are conversing with a friend. Content creators are uniquely positioned to provide this service.

In naturally sharing reviews and experiences within their content, whilst bringing their personality to life on their social platforms, they build up valuable trust within their online communities.

When the content creator then introduces promoted products or services within their content, the audience tends to be more responsive due to that trust already instilled within this ‘safe space’. A survey undertaken by Matter Communications showed that 61% of respondents are likely to trust an influencer, friend, or family member for recommendations on social platforms. In contrast, only 38% were likely to trust recommendations directly from a brand.[1]

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What Are The Benefits To Using Creator Led Marketing?

Experience is the important thing to note, and is in fact something that Google’s Helpful Content update takes into account – particularly important when creator content is embedded onto a brands website.

This emphasis on ‘helpful’ content states that users should feel satisfied by the content they click on in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Content should be designed specifically for humans (not bots), appropriate for the target audience and relevant to the primary topic of the website.

Alongside that, content shared should be created by authoritative and experienced creators: those who show a good depth of knowledge about the topic at hand.

Why Use Creators or Influencers in Marketing?

Reaches a wider audience

Creators usually have extremely engaged, large followings, which means high reach and visibility. However, that’s not to say follower size has a direct correlation with the influence the creator holds over each individual. Often those who have a smaller following may actually have a more engaged audience.

Builds trust and credibility

Consumers are more likely to believe and therefore initiate a relationship with a brand, if they see it being endorsed by a creator they trust.

Creates more engaging and authentic content

Creators are experts in creating content that their audiences will enjoy and share. They know what works to elevate the engagement.

If your brand is looking for a more effective way to market your products or services, you should consider embracing creator-led marketing.

There are a number of ways to initiate such partnerships, but the most important thing is to find creators who offer the right fit for your brand and your audience. Once the right partners have been identified, a mutually beneficial relationship can be explored to create content that will resonate with your target audience and drive results for your business.

Creator-led marketing is just one facet of a robust, omni-channel strategy. Discover further advice on how to accelerate your content creation.

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